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28 DIY Home Remedies for Arthritis

Arthritis is a very common ailment and is one of the leading causes of disability today. To define arthritis would be like looking for a needle in a haystack as arthritis is a broad term for over 100 conditions of varying causes which damage the joints. To keep it simple, I’d say arthritis is a degenerative or inflammatory disease of the bone resulting from different causes.

If you have arthritis of any kind, the main symptoms you would feel are joint pains, swelling, stiffness, and a reduced ability to use the joint. Arthritis can affect any joint, therefore when you’ve got hip arthritis, for example, you would feel pain, swelling, and stiffness in the affected joint. The knees and the hip joints are most commonly affected by arthritis, although it could strike anywhere, even the neck.

The pain you feel in the affected joint when you have arthritis, might be of varying severity and character. It could be mild and occurring sparingly and in other cases, it could be so severe with very frequent attacks.

I would provide you with information about the major forms of arthritis and their general treatment.

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10 Simple Foods to Reduce Arthritic Joint Pain

Are you suffering from Arthritis? You are not alone!

One in five Americans is suffering from Arthritis. Arthritis can cause dysfunction of joints, stiffness, swelling and lot of pain.

Medicines alone won’t get you very far to reduce arthritic joint pain unless you complement it with effective home remedies. Here is a list of 10 proven yet simple home foods that can help to reduce arthritic joint pain.

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