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Weight Loss Wonders of Black Seed Oil

Not a lot of research has been done on this subject, and most of the research with regards to weight loss with black cumin seed, I found in diabetic studies.

What is Weight Loss?

We become overweight for so many different reasons but with willpower (there’s no getting around that one, sorry!) and a few herbal helpers like black seed and exercise, you can get rid of all the fat you want. I know this because I lived it after gaining and losing 40kg (88lb!) That’s a story for another day.

As always consult your health professional first especially if you are in the obese range (<30% body fat)

The Research

There was a study done on menopausal women that showed good results of weight loss with black seed oil.

“Nigella Sativa [black cumin] showed a significant weight loss and reduced waist circumference with a mild reduction in fasting blood sugar, triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein levels.” This was achieved with a dose of 1.5 gm powder of black cumin seed oil (split into two capsules) was given twice a day for three months.

In the next study there is some more hope for black seed oil in weight loss with these statements, “…in the treatment group, complaints related to central obesity disappear in first week, very significant reduction of body weight, waist circumference, and systolic blood pressure…” and “It is suggested that larger dose and longer duration of NS consumption will give better results.”

Another Black Cumin Weight Loss Study Result

In a randomized, double-blind controlled clinical trial it was found that “NS (Nigella sativa) oil concurrent with a low-calorie diet decreased weight… in obese women.”

Yet another study showing good results for the 50 obese female participants. The abstract states “N.sativa oil concurrent with a low-calorie diet decreased weight and increased SOD levels in obese women”

I hope you have figured out by now that, alongside a healthy intake of food, black cumin seed can help you with your weight loss. In addition, you get all the many and varied health benefits of the amazing black seed.


‘Nigella sativa (black seed) is an effective herbal remedy

for every disease except death – a Prophetic statement

which modern scientists confirm unanimously: A

review’ (as accessed 27 June 2018).

Efficacy of Nigella sativa on serum free testosterone and metabolic disturbances in central obese male.’ Available from: as access ed 27 Jan 2018).

‘Oxidative Stress Responses to Nigella sativa Oil Concurrent with a Low-Calorie Diet in Obese Women: A Randomized, Double-Blind Controlled Clinical Trial.’ Available from: (as accessed 26 Jan 2018).


Pixie is an impassioned woman, empowering others to live a natural, healthy life. When not researching and writing about natural health and healing, she's in her healing herb garden, practicing yoga.

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How to Get Rid of Blemishes

How to treat blemishes?

If you are luckily enough, these annoying spots will disappear after only 1 or 2 weeks. Unfortunately, there are many cases in which blemishes do not fade away easily. However, take it easy because nothing is impossible.

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